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Monday, March 17, 2014

Random post #101

assalamualaikum, konichiwa, anyeong haseyo, bonjour...yeh, im back bebeh...for this post, i let it to be random because i don't know what to put on as the title..so whatever is my life still in hectic..everyone life does..with the assignment and life's problem..well i still can take it..heres where everything go wacky..
recently, i went to Daiso Japan in ECM..well we can say it was a grand opening..the people was like entering a metallica's concert ( i certainly dont know where that coming from =,=)..theres alot thing that can be found but what catch my interest is...

yep..i called this hair chalk..first when i see this stuff is..is this really can colour ur hair???..well yep..i tried it and its work...i have colorful hair now..yeaay..

there there...my green and pink hair...huk3..first attempt and i like it..but then i washed my hair since its make my hair dry and i lost several strings of hair since its make my hair brittle..well what can i say...BEAUTY IS PAIN...theeheehee..
i think i shud put the post's title about my hair but..nah..see ya later alligator,, more post coming but since im busy..ya need to wait for that..thats all for now.. SAYONARA, AU REVIOUR, ADIOS, ASSALAMUALAIKUM..