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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Again with the not really short entry..=)

ASSALAMUALAIKUM,,yeah2..im back..after such a long time..i think this will be a good time for me to post an entry..in this entry i choose to let the entry in english because i want it to be in english*mengada2 lebih je ni*..bcoz there are alot things happen around me lately..so there will be random topic to say..so get ready..

ok..based from the pic..u all know its absolutely about fighting..i got this friend and this friend...so i wanna label it as FRIEND A and FRIEND B..im actually dont know wat happen but based on material im reading n question from my friend *kwn ag stu*..ok,1st thing i wanna say to BATU API out there..u guys better stop wat u guys doing..its not making it better..u guys make it worse..ughh...hw much i hate BATU API..n if anyone do anything major bad to u..its doesnt mean u have to cross it back...i mean..REVENGE..i know every patient has it limit..but COME ON!!..wat goes around comes around..its KARMA!!..so plzzz STOP FIGHTING!!...n one more thing..u dnt want to loose ur friend when they see the 'real' when u do ur revenge..just be patient..u will get a reward..i mean "her"reward..

this is an interesting news...for those who is HARRY POTTER's lover..this is website that perfect for u...i mean..for me too...ok..since the deathly hallow is the last sequel for J.K ROWLING masterpiece...pottermore is website for harry potter's lover obviously..It’s almost like you are enrolled as a student at hogwarts … when you are accepted the “hat” appears
asking questions inorder to sort you ( you know the ritual of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin).ok..its like a student portal for hogwart student..i think.. then it takes you to your house and you enter the “books”, all seven .. each book kinda has a new back story that J.K wrote herself with character profiles ... its like a deleted scenes kinda thing. Basically things that didn’t really make it in the book or she changed. Also on the side you learn spells and potions, you make friends with other members. they have chat rooms known as the ” Great Hall” or “Common Room”... its also you have Gringotts ( currency) to purchase things such as wands and pets schoolbooks ect. oh and there are like 33, 000 wands so basically you get your own personalized one just like the character in the book. It basically Hogwarts Online ..isnt it cool??..but its not official open to around world user..only for those who had the magical quill which they get form 'the magical quill quest'..i waiting to enter it..so plzz let me in..~opss...i got the screenshot from google..
remember private drive??

im harry potter's fan..so as TWILIGHT SAGA..ok..the truth is i like to watch movie that based from a book..like ERAGON..i got the movie and the book..i like both tho..n surprisingly..i like jacob more than edward..bcoz i think jacob is more hotter..ok..the movie will release on november..i think..but i just cant wait to see it..even it divide into 2 parts..i eagerly want to watch it..i think this movie will be a hot top blockbuster ever..i cant wait to see RENESMEE..well its product from bella n edward cullen..so its must be a cute half human half vampire..i think i wanna be vampire with the ability of mind reading and cn see the future..*tetibe je*
ok..thats it..ok..ak jadi org melayu balik..penat la jadi org putih jap..tebelit2 pale otak ak..lau da melayu tu mmg melayu gak..slah2..lau da jawa tu mmg jawa jgak..ok..ak harap korg enjoy entri ni..lau sape2 yg malas nk phm kn ayat ni sndri..korg copy past jela kt google translate,,nk rjin ag..tgk kamus..ok ..selamat malam..* sbb da mlm =,='' *..ASSALAMUALAIKUM..

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