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Sunday, December 25, 2011


ASSALAMUALAIKUM,,hoho..im back again bebeh!!..im so excited..yayy~~..ok recently ak ade bkunjung ke kuala pilah..yadaa..yadaa..mesti korg bmonolog dlm ati kn??.."apela minah ni,,bosan la cter psl kuala pilah ni..bukn ade pape pn!!''..well,u r so wrong!!..ak pn tau yg pulah tu xde pape sgt..but it gives me so many memories..
ble ak pegi kuala pilah aritu,,its like everything was like back in my past live..well we have to realize tht past is past..dlm ati ak mse tu..ak ckp sndri..yg ak x ready utk blik pilah wat mse ni..im not ready for this..ak cbe utk thn air mate ak..its so sad..mybe sbb mse tu ak tngglkn pilah mcm tu je..ble da nk dekt simpang nk msuk uitm tu..then i say to my dad.."ayah,ttbe rse sdey plak"..at tht moment my eyes burst with tears..
ble ak msuk pekan pilah tu..ak ag sdey..sbb ak da tnmpk statio bus dy dri tepi jln..well i used to go there..mkn2 kt cne..even i used to date there..everything yg ak wat mse ak dok pilah dlu mcm mnerjah2 dlm pae otk ak..strt tu ak da t'esak2 da..it like u going back to time when u still a childhood,,u got this very2 good friend there..at tht moment..my dad ckp..''tebus kesilapan yg dlu,,gntikn dgn yg baru and make it better..n u shud do it for urself!!''
ok..and now..im ready for it..going back to pilah gives me more spirit to do better in my life..oleh tu..ak bsedia ape saje kt dpn ak..n the best is..ak akn wat yg tbaek and go on with my dream..tht is to have my study in AUSTRALIA..past is past..but sometimes past can be a good motivation..
to all my friend back in uitm kuala pilah..i miss u guys so much..n hope korg wat yg the best..n for korg pnye information..im goin through a rough life..n im gonna have it more better..ok..thats all for today...opss..CONGRATULATION to my kakak sedara a.k.a sepupu...SELAMAT BERTUNANG girl..n hope u have a nice live with ur beloved..n jgn lpe wedding nnt jmput okayh..=)

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