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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Memory Flashback...Part 1


so, its new year now... i know i'm a bit late and its already February..but its still 2015... there's a lot thing happens in 2014... n i just finished my college which is wonderful...but i do missed my buds back in college.. so aku blajar kt KPMIM which is stand for Kolej Profesional Mara Indera Mahkota..people always misunderstand us with KPTM..till now i don't know why

Semester 1, KPMIM

well, this is the moments start... friendship, hardship, and banyak lagi...type in Malay jela.. this is the year ble sy jumpa my best friends, my trustworthy wing man and my cheerful roommates..


see... kalau xsilap picture ni di snap mlm orientasi ended xpn esoknye xpn malam sminggu kemudian...yep..masa sem 1 kiteorg mmg kaki lepak cafe sbb ntah..best kot lepak cafe..hampir tiap2 malam kluar cafe and then hang out dgn member...nasib baik MARA bg elaun so adela dwet nk buat kunyah2 kt cafe tu...kayo mak cik kepe!!

my bodyguards

forget about the ass..

blur..sebab mse tu xmampu nk beli smart phone

English Camp... event utk us budak sem 1 mase tu mmg gler sronok..tp disebabkn aku demam mase tu...so xenjoy mane...tp demam2 pn main smuggler's trap ok...mende smuggler's trap tu??...ala game mcm belon acah la jemah..

semester 1 jgak is where aku byk menjelajah bumi pahang yg not familiar bagi..went to TC, went to Cherating, Went to Pandan Waterfall...gila x kenangan...bru freshie kot mse tu


semester 2?? not much happen in semester 2...yep not really...tp still hang out with friends and stuff..

kalau xsilap semester ni yg kiteorg g overnight kt Kuala Terengganu... 5 hours trip from Kuantan to Kuala Terengganu...pegi stu hari je beb..gila kentang...


yep..the struggle semester...hoping for got higher cgpa tp kecundang sebab jatuh debabush...from 3.49 trus ke 2.71...terasa amatla bodoh la time tu...tp mase tu kteorg ade buat program dakwah yg paling best in the world

its sukaneka time

yummy yumm...bbq time dlm hujan (aku skali basah)

well, part 1 is over...will be continue in part 2...memories always i remember sampai da beranak bercucu...well there will still a lot to come..thats all folk,

~ Au Revior, Anyeong, Assalamualaikum ~

1 comment :

  1. rindu semua moment nih..i treasure happiness thruout 3 yrs knowing u
