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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Google a Doodle

ASSALAMUALAIKUM , ANYEONG HASEYO , HOLA , BONJOUR , n byk ag..like uollzz cn see for the tajuk la kn...mstyla korg pkir..pe bende la mende alah google a doodle..sbnrnye ak sje tmbh a tu..sbnrnye ianye google doodle..for u guys yg x tau google doodle ni..
google doodle is an artistic version of google..biasanye lau korg bkak google search kn..kn kdg2 ade la yg mcm lukis2 la..kdg2 kuar mcm kod mose ke..tu la google doodle..recently..google doodle dy kuar mcm player..smpena nk meraikan birthday freddie mercury pnye birthday..u guys can check it out...but my favourite version of google doodle is..smpena Les Paul 96th birthday..bley maen gitar chord doe kt ctu..check out this awesome google doodle yg ak nk cmpk dlm entri kali ni..for those yg da tau psl bnde ni..tgk ag..lau yg blom tau..tgk ler..*sje je nk promote blog ak ni kn*
Les Paul's 96th Birthday
ni google doodle guitar,,korg ley maen chord kt cni..try ler
Malaysia Independence Day
see2..ni utk google doodle mlysia pnye..smpena merdeka rye taun ni..
Alexander Calder's 113th Birthday. Courtesy of Calder Foundation / ARS, NY.
ni google doodle smpena Alexander Calder pnye birthday..lau korg ley bkak google doodle utk event ni..its actually cn bergerak..mcm berpusing2..
Gregor Mendel's 189th Birthday
n for those yg amik science or bio,,ni google doodle smpena birthday mendel..korg knl kn gregor mendel..yg introduce genetics study..remember??!!
PAC-MAN's 30th Anniversary Doodle - PAC-MAN™ & ©1980 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc.
n this is google doodle pacman..smpena 30th anniversary..we cn actually play it too..mcm games online,,ak bru je maen td..ngee~~
50th Anniversary of the Flintstones
this is for 30th anniversary of flinstone..ala yg naek keta gerk gne kaki tu..
25th Anniversary of Buckyball
this is anniversary for the buckyball..the spin one..
google doodle doraemon version..
Malaysia Independence Day
smpena merdaka yg ke-50
sbnrnye byk ag..tujuan google wat mcm ni..is utk tnjuk pnghargaan utk org2 ni..so kte tau akn kewujudan org2 ni...org2 yg kte x pnh dgr nme tp..kte tau ape yg beliau da wat..selain tu..kte dpt tau la..sestngah perayaan yg negara luar tgh raikan...
so tht its for today entry la kan...lau korg nk tau ag..cri la sndri lau korg pndai cri..just search kt google je...okay uollzzz...dlm mood rye ag so SELAMAT HARI RAYA..n thanx for reading maa entry..ASSALAMUALAIKUM , AU REVOIR , ADIOS , ANNYEONGHI , BYE3!!

p/s::thnx to google..n__n

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