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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Everything has changed~


Assalamualaikum, hello, bonjour, hola, konichiwa..well its EID yeaay!!!..selamat hari raya to all Muslims all over the world..so since now is Eid, i want to apologize for those whom i know doesn't matter from Malaysia or from other countries..
when it comes to hari raya,.there a lot popped inside your mind like what to wear on hari raya?, what meal i should prepare on the morning of 1st raya?, what should i do with all of this duit raya?..everything has be in mind on the 1st ramadhan...
well, i want to gives a lil story about my childhood's eid celebration and preparation..
flashback begins...
well its start on a week before syawal..my family and i will go to the town to buy new things like new shoes, new clothes, and of course new purse..people might think..new purse? every syawal?..that will come later,,after done with the shopping all of my sisters will try our new clothes and shoes and stand in front of the mirror to look what was we look like in new clothes *my siblings were all girls*..and try to walk around with new shoes..well who doesn't like new shoes right??
2 or 3 days before syawal, we will went back to my grandparent's house to celebrate with all of my aunts and uncle and cousins and of course my grandparents..the night of raya, we will went outside the house and play firecracker or sprinkles..in the morning we will wake very early and perform raya's pray..when we reached home from the mosque, we will sit in a circle and ask for forgiveness..which start with eldest which is Pak Long..done with all that, my cousins and i will walk all over the village and visits houses..if we lucky enough, we will get ang pau from them.. i have a fun raya in my childhood


well, its so differents nowadays..people were to busy to come and visits their friend or relative on hari raya..most worst is, they did come and visit but guess what??...all of em were busy with their phones, tablet, or whatever gadget they have,,its like they don't know how to socialize in a "real life"...kids nowadays were to focused on tv program and games until they don't comes out on hari raya..they actually don't know the meaning of raya anymore..well its true what people said is sambutan hari raya mengikut aliran masa..
iklan sekejap~~

something happen i asked my bestie about something on what i suppose to do..should i cheat on my ex, in order for him to move on with his life as do with mine..? what i can say is i have to do it.. i don't want him to stuck in the past and don't see the future that await for him..thats all i can say~~
well. again i want to wish all of u SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR BATIN..may u have a blast eid..=) 
thats all peeps,,Assalamualaikum, Au revoir, Adios, Sayonara arigato gozaimas~~

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