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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Life is Hard..confession~~

Assalamualaikum, konichiwa, bonsoir, to all..its been a long time heh?..and this blog looked a bit wrecked i thing..well, im HOME!!!..yaay..miss my mum, my dad, my room, my dad, my everything~~..dapat la release tension ble da smpai rumah..xbanyak bnde nk fikir..so why life is HARD??..capital letter i eja hard tu..sbb life mmg susah pn..org kaya pn ade life yg susah jugak ok..ade masa kita senang..ade masa kita susah..that is the cycle of life peeps..
ok..ni xde kne mngena dgn topik ni tp its make my life seakan-akan susah..well,, ble kte berkawan especially guys and girls..ade batas la of course..kawan baik mcm mne pn sooner or late akn timbul satu perasaan yg boleh dikatakan confusing..that is what happen to me now..mesti semua orang ckp mcm SAY WHAT??!..yeap..im totally in a friendzone~~
for the first, i put in my mind that antara aku dgn hamba Allah tu just a friend and u have a large gap between u and him..adela org bagitau hati2 mahira,,nnt awk tersuka kt dy nnt..well my word at that time is a big NO..after 1 year and a half..well perasaan tu timbul sikit2..but still aku sembunyikan atas nama persahabatan..
FRIENDSHIP..it will always still forever as a friendship..tp smpi ble cik mahira salleh ni nak simpan perasaan dy...kadang2 ble dok mkn dgn hamba Allah ni, outing same2..i want to yell it out from my heart that..HEY DUDE, IM IN LOVE WITH U..but no..atas nama kawan, aku hold dlu..sbb takut dy jauh dari aku..i don't know if he start to notice or what but..slowly dy macam jauh dari aku..mungkin perasaan aku tp xpela..aku buat xtau je..
kenapa aku berani luahkan kt blog aku yg berkarat ni?..sebab dy xakan bukak blog ni..aku berani mengatakan itu sebab its the truth..*evil grin*..aku suka kt beliau is because aku nampak bley ubah aku yang sedia terjal ni..keras kepala bagai..i dont know..sebelum ni xde pape pn..kawan mcm biasa je..tp ntahla..i guess i have smashed down the wall of our friendship..im sorry...xsengaja sbb bc i cant lie to myself anymore..
hehehe..tgkla lau cik mahira salleh ni melalut..mesti xhengat dunia..sorry2..maaf dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki...well..thats all from me..and sape2 yg tbaca whether my friend or not..lets keep it secret..n____n

Assalamualaikum, sayonara, au revoir, good day~~

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